Yardi Kube: A single connected platform for flexible workspace management
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Check the new Coworking Library!


Angel Kwiatkowski, Beth Buczynski - Ultimate Coworking Launch Sequence eBook (2017)


Ramon Suarez - The Coworking Handbook: Learn How To Create and Manage a Succesful Coworking Space (2014) - also available in French, Dutch and Spanish


Tony Bacigalupo, Amy Segreti -  No More Sink Full of Mugs: Lighten Your Workload, Increase Participation, and Build Better Culture in Your Coworking Space (2015)


Angel Kwiatkowski, Beth BuczynskiCoworking: Building Community as a Space Catalyst (2011)


Kenichi Nakaya et al. - Coworking: Working as Partying (2012)


Genevieve DeGuzman, Andrew Tang - Working in the UnOffice: A Guide to Coworking for Indie Workers, Small Businesses, and Nonprofits (2011)


Jono Bacon, The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation (2009, 2012)


Alice Davies et al. - The Style of Coworking: Contemporary Shared Workspaces (2013)


Scott Doorley - Make Space: How to Set the Stage for Creative Collaboration (2012)


Brad Feld - Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City (2012)


Matthias Schürmann - Coworking Space: Geschäftsmodell für Entrepreneure und Wissensarbeiter (German, 2013)


Drew Jones, Todd Sundsted, Tony Bacigalupo - I'm Outta Here: how coworking is making the office obsolete (2009)




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to be expanded


Last updated on March 10, 2018

ssfCoworking Trends Survey
