Yardi Kube: A single connected platform for flexible workspace management
Yardi Kube

Thursday, 17 February 2022

The following associations and companies have supported the Coworking Trends Survey by promoting the participation in their newsletters: 

CobotCoworking Europe, Everything Coworking,

European Coworking Assembly, Coworking Germany, Coworking Canada,

Coworking Switzerland, Coworking UkraineCoworkLand

Seats2Meet, RubberDesk, Spacebring

This Week in CoworkingDeKamer, Work & Meet,

London Coworking Assembly, FreelancersWeek,

Coworkies, BlankSpacesIncluded.co 


Download the slide deck with the general results.



Background of the Coworking Trends Survey:

The online survey was conducted in English from November 23 to December 22, 2021.

425 people took part in the survey, 365 completed the questionnaire. For this article, we only evaluated the answers of the 326 participants that represented flexible workspace companies. 

The participants could define what type of flexible workspaces they operate. 64% represented ‘coworking spaces’, 13% ‘mixed’ or ‘hybrid’ workspaces, 8% ‘community’ or ‘collaborative’ workspaces and 5% described their business in way that could be summarized as a mixed space such as coworking spaces with incubators, hotels, coliving spaces or child care. 9% defined themselves as business centers and 2% as shared offices. 

66% of the participating companies operated one location of a flexible workspace.

Most participants responded from Europe (48%) and North America (37%). For this reason, the article highlighted any differences between the two continents.

A quarter of the companies surveyed were founded within the last two years, i.e. shortly before or during the global pandemic.

The term ‘company’ in this article stands for all businesses or institutions that operate flexible workspaces. 84% worked “for profit”, 13% as “non-profit” companies, 2% as a governmental institution. 

More information on the spaces can be found at the end of the published PDF. Detailed results with more grouped comparisons will be released in March 2022.


ssfCoworking Statistics
