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2) Extroverted members

‘More extroverted’ members confirm their love of social contact in the Global Coworking Survey. On average, they speak to 6 other members in a coworking space, however, ‘only’ with 13%* of members present. They occupy second place in the ranking of the three groups. Although they know the first names of other members much more often.

They are the most likely to work every working day in a coworking space of all the personality types, an above-average proportion in a more formal atmosphere. Only half work alone, the others in teams, especially fixed. If given the choice they would decide the same again.

They feel most strongly connected to their coworking community

Only half pay for their membership themselves. Moreover, only three out of four choose to work in a coworking space. Nonetheless, they feel most strongly connected to their coworking community. They also rate spaces, as well as value for money (when they pay themselves), better than average.

Their current coworking memberships last the longest presently, with an average of 17 months. They have, nonetheless, more often worked in other coworking spaces already. Almost every fifth member will change to a new workplace in the short term, but this is above all due to external factors, with the potential exception of membership fees.

When extrovert members decided for themselves to work in a coworking space, interaction possibilities, social atmosphere, community, and like-minded people were crucial to the workplace in their current coworking space. As in the other two groups, the only non-social deciding factor is the proximity of the coworking space to home. Otherwise, they are less demanding towards coworking spaces.

Coworking spaces boost their self-confidence 

'More extroverted' members have a high expectation of small talk, sociability, fast help, and knowledge exchange. Only every tenth of them expects nothing from other members.

Coworking spaces massively strengthen the self-confidence of ‘more extroverted’ members - considerably more than among the two other types. They report considerably more interaction options and feel less isolated. They also enjoy better workdays while simultaneously increasing their productivity and quality of work since working in a coworking space.

3) Ambiverted members

Do the results of members with a mixture of introverted and extroverted qualities also lie in the middle of both poles? Yes and no. On average, they communicated with four other coworking members per day, but they come into contact with around 18%* of all members present, a higher proportion than that of ‘more extroverted’ members.

Coworking spaces enjoy their highest ratings from ambiverted members, as well as the largest proportion of long-term members, and members who will be loyal to the space for at least another year.

Networking needs are pronounced most strongly among this group! Apart from small talk and sociability, they also most often expect meal and event invitations, as well as the exchange of contacts, from other members. When choosing a coworking space, social aspects are one of the most important deciding factors. In contrast to the other groups, apart from the proximity to their home, especially good value for money or an adequate office infrastructure count more often.

Ambiverted members are the only group who often find themselves in an unpopular arrangement. The majority of them work alone. However, they prefer to collaborate in a team more than any other type, especially in changing teams.

Like all other types, they indicate that they have better workdays since working in a coworking space. They speak with more people and are more productive. They also claim to focus better on their work significantly more than among the other two groups.

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*The result was calculated by first looking at the value per member and then the average, trimmed by 5%.


The 2018 Global Coworking Survey is officially supported by the following organizations:

Main Supporters: 
Nexudus Spaces - A management tool for coworking spaces
WUN Systems- A management tool for coworking spaces
Essensys - A management tool for coworking spaces

Distribution partners: 
Coworker.com - A platform to find and book coworking spaces
Social Workplaces - An event organizer and consulting agency for coworking spaces

Official Supporters: 
GCUC Austin, Coworking Croatia Zagreb,
Mutinerie Paris, Kaptár Budapest,
OfficeHub Sydney, ImpactHub Taipei, 
NexCore St. Louis, Plexpod Kansas City, 
Coworking Out Loud San Francisco,
Talent Garden Milan, KinSpaces NYC,
Blocktime Coworking São Paulo
Deskpass Chicago, Hive Vancouver,
CUASIA Ubud, Cowork Lisboa Lisbon, 
Shhared Hamburg, Open Milano Milan, 
Seats2Meet Amsterdam, CAAP Ubud,
El Moli Lab València, AreaWorks London, 
FutureWard Taipei, Sundesk Valbonne, 
GCUC Taiwan Taipei, Habu Bristol,
Senda15 Coworking Vitoria-Gasteiz, 
German Coworking Federation Berlin, 
Homestead Edmonton.

Here, you can read more about the 2018 Global Coworking Survey


Wanna read more about introvert members in coworking spaces?

Is Coworking Suitable for Introverts? (Groundwork)

Coworking for Introverts: It’s all About Recharging Our Internal Batteries (Cat Johnson)

Introverts vs Extroverts: How to Engage Both Types of Personalities in a Coworking Space (Inspire 9)

The Introvert’s Survival Guide to Coworking Space (Go Work)

3 Tips for the Introvert to Survive a New Coworking Space (TechAsia)

ssfCoworking Trends Survey
