Yardi Kube: A single connected platform for flexible workspace management
Yardi Kube
Almost exactly one year ago we launched Deskmag. Since then we’ve written more than a hundred articles about this new form of collaborative work. For our birthday we’ve updated the site according to the request of our readers.
By Carsten Foertsch - August 01, 2011

The most visible change involves an extension of our categories. From now on you’ll find six sections on the front page, instead of three. There’s a News section where we can post the latest updates in shorter form. We’ll use this to highlight the opening of new coworking spaces, as well as topics of the week on other blogs and magazines that cover topics concerning coworking.

In our new category Events we’ll draw attention to happenings and meet-ups that are of regional or national significance. And finally under Coworking Galleries you’ll be able to see high resolution images of coworking spaces from around the world (this will go live in a few days).

In the next few week’s well also roll out many other often-requested features, such as comments and a search function. Because there’s so much interest in coworking outside of the English and German speaking world, in September we’ll also add Spanish and Portuguese to our language options. We hope this helps us reach Latin American countries, and we will include reports from this region. Anyone who is interested in working as a freelance reporter for Deskmag from Central and South America can already get in touch.

To the twelve thousand readers who drop by Deskmag each month, thanks for a great first year!

ssfCoworking Trends Survey
