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Today, the biggest worldwide study of coworking is officially underway, reflecting a better understanding of various facets behind the movement in order to support sustainable growth. How are the relations amongst coworkers? How do coworking spaces stay viable? The Global Coworking Survey collects responses from current and former coworking space owners, operators, and members from around the world. Their responses, published into free reports, provide comprehensive results on the coworking movement. You can continue to support the movement by taking part in this year’s survey, and by becoming an official supporter. The name and logo of official supporters will be included in all published materials related to the survey.
By Carsten Foertsch - November 08, 2016

Deskmag launches the 2017 Global Coworking Survey, examining the international coworking movement. The survey is now open, and the first results will be available by the end of this month. Interested in the results of the Global Coworking Survey? Complete the survey at www.coworkingsurvey.com. Thank you, your voice will be heard!

The results of the sixth survey will provide invaluable insight into the coworking movement, which continues to grow at an exceptional rate. It will shed light on the development and evolution of various topics within the industry, and will allow comparisons to last year’s data to be drawn. Last year, more than 1,500 participants filled in the questionnaire. The results, published into reports, will provide a comprehensive overview of the growing coworking movement.

The questionnaire will also focus on levels of hard collaboration that take place within coworking spaces, the well-being of members, and many more topics that are of interest to coworkers and operators everywhere but areyet to be thoroughly explored.

As is tradition, the survey is 100% anonymous. By ensuring anonymity, it is hoped that the respondents experience a level of comfort that allows them be as honest as possible. This results in the collection of the most comprehensive, accurate and un-biased data available.

The main results of the Global Coworking Survey have always been, and will continue to be, made available to the public free of charge. In addition, they are now presented at coworking conferences around the world. Making these results available to all is a public service to the industry, and reflects the spirit of sharing and collaboration inherent to coworking. 

The survey wouldn’t be possible without your responses and your support!

It is another tradition to welcome official supporters to the survey. Naturally, the more respondents, the more representative the data, and the more thorough the analysis. For this reason, Deskmag is inviting all coworking spaces and organisations to support the survey by circulating it through their channels and including it in a newsletter to their communities.

All official supporters will be mentioned in our published materials,in presentations and the first results on Deskmag. You also will be shown as official supporter on rotating banner ads on Deskmag.

How to become an official supporter of the Global Coworking Survey?

1. Highlight the survey in your next member newsletter! It should be the first topic.

2. Send a copy of your newsletter featuring the survey and your logo to survey @ deskmag.com. 

We also provide free support material, which can be found on bit.ly/SUPPORTGCS. Feel free to use them;, most of images allow you to add your logo and a line of text, such as “supported by ...”.


The survey will run for very short time, and the first results will be presented at the Coworking Europe Conference, an event of Social Workplaces.

To participate in the survey, visit www.coworkingsurvey.com. Spread the word, any support is appreciated!

Thank you!

ssfCoworking Trends Survey
