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Coworking Spaces
Coworking Spaces
Do Coworking Spaces Need A Coworking Lobby?
Coworking, in its essence, is independent and encourages networking. But how connected are coworking spaces to each other? How do they actually relate to an association that focuses on combining forces? Just last week, an initiative of a potential European coworking association spoke to the EU Commission. We asked in the fourth Global Coworking Survey what concrete results coworking spaces expect from these associations and at what level they support such operations.
Coworking Spaces
Coworking in Vietnam: An interview with the founder of HUB.IT
From Berlin, to New York City, to Thailand, Deskmag has covered the ins and out of the coworking movement, exploring new locations and cultures that have inspired the coworking movement all over the world. Recently, we spoke with Bobby Liu, founder of the HUB. IT, which recently celebrated its opening in Hanoi, Vietnam. Liu spoke with us about opening the space and also the need for coworking in Vietnam.
Coworking Spaces
The future of coworking
Each and everyday, more and more people are discovering coworking. The movement is not only a great alternative for independent workers, but it has been proven time and time again to be a sustainable and clearly identified solution for entrepreneurs and freelancers looking to build a network and collaborate with like-minded people. However, while existing coworking spaces are still aiming to validate their business model, the more established spaces are now looking towards the next innovative steps they will take.
Coworking Spaces
The hidden treasures of coworking
In recent years, coworking has drawn curiosity from the academic world. As a result, a huge amount of papers and studies have been produced, which begs the question: where do all these studies go? Well, we believe that a lot of them are lost somewhere on the internet or tucked away on the shelves of university libraries, probably collecting dust. In lieu of our recently launched crowdfunding campaign, we have turned our focus to the academic study of coworking, and have made it one of our goals to create our own open source coworking library. To show its potential, Deskmag has highlighted some works studying coworking from an academic point of view.
Coworking Spaces
The History Of Coworking In A Timeline
A flood of new coworkers will join coworking spaces around the world in the coming weeks. This begs the question: what has caused this spike in the coworking movement and how will it develop? We fished for facts in the depths of the internet, pieced together the puzzle into a timeline, and the result is a brief history of coworking. And as the history becomes longer, just tell us what you would like to add.
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