Yardi Kube: A single connected platform for flexible workspace management
Yardi Kube

April 30, 2024


Coworking Europe


Coworking Alliance Summit  


Australia: Flexible Workspace Australia Conference

Canada: Coworking Canada

Germany: Cowork & regular networking events

Japan: Coworking Space & Community Manager Conference

Mexico: Latam Coworking Summit

Spain: Coworking Spain Conference (CWSC)

Switzerland: Annual & regional meetups

United Kingdom: GCUC UK

USA: GCUC USA or North America


Currently inactive or unknown status, and some are very much missed:


South Eastern Europe: CCCSEE

Brazil: Encontro

France: Salon Coworking

Italy: Espresso Coworking

Portugal: CoworkBuzz


This list includes conferences dedicated to coworking spaces, is not based on recommendations, is not regularly updated, and does not claim to be complete. The organizations behind these events have not paid to be listed here. 
Do you have an event for coworking space professionals? Click here to suggest it!


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Last updated on April 29th, 2024 

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