Yardi Kube: A single connected platform for flexible workspace management
Yardi Kube

1. User Terms and Conditions


By using the services of the website www.deskmag.com (hereinafter „website“), you (hereinafter „You“ or „Users“) agree to be bound by these terms of service. We, the company TempoImmo GbR, (hereinafter „we“ or „TempoImmo“), are the owner of this website and reserve the right to update or alter these terms of service at any time without notice. The most up-to-date version of this agreement can be viewed at anytime under the heading ‘TOS’. Your acceptance of these terms and of our privacy policy are indicated by your continued use of the website. If you don’t agree to these terms of service and our privacy policy, please don’t use our services.


TempoImmo includes links to other websites and has no control over, and makes no representations of any kind whatsoever, regarding the content or appropriateness of content on linked websites. The Users hereby irrevocably waives any claim against us with respect to linked outside web sites.


Users may be required to register to use parts of our website. During the registration process, users will select a password and user name. Users must provide accurate, complete, and updated account information. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of these terms of service, which may result in immediate termination of users accounts. Users may not (a) select or use a user name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person; (b) use a name subject to the rights of any other person without authorization; or (c) use a user name that TempoImmo, in its discretion, deems inappropriate or offensive.

Users shall notify us of any known or suspected unauthorized use(s) of their account, or any known or suspected breach of security, including loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of a user’s password. Users shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password.

Any fraudulent, abusive, or otherwise illegal activity will be considered grounds for the termination of your account, at TempoImmo’s sole discretion, and you may be reported to appropriate law-enforcement agencies.


We shall only be liable for losses or damages caused directly by breach of a material term of the agreement. The liability of TempoImmo is limited to any loss or damage which userss may suffer as a direct result of using the services of TempoImmo, without limitation, losses, resulting from userss access to websites others than TempoImmo.

TempoImmo shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss of profit, goodwill, business or anticipated savings nor for any indirect or consequential loss.

TempoImmo shall not be liable for any limitations, obstacles or any interferences, disruptions or delays of its provided services that lay beyond our control. We cannot and do not guarantee uninterrupted service. TempoImmo has no influence on that and assumes no responsibility for the availability and reliability of third party telecommunication networks or for transmission errors or for any alterations to data, which is to be transmitted in third party telecommunication networks or systems.

Participating Rules

Users may not submit or publish through this website any materials that are defamatory, an invasion of privacy, obscene, abusive, illegal, racist, offensive, harmful to a minor or an infringement on any intellectual property rights of a third party or would otherwise violate the rights of any third party.

Users may not submit or publish materials through Deskmag that solicit funds or services, contain advertising or include programs that contain viruses or any other programs designed to impair the functionality of any computer.

Through this website, users may be exposed to content that is inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable. The uploaded content is the sole responsibility of the person who uploaded it. We do not make any representations or warranties about the accuracy, integrity, quality or any other aspect of such content and disclaim all liability for such content for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of such content. By using the service, you agree to bear all risks associated with the use of any content on the service and any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such content.

We do not pre-screen, edit or review the content made publicly available through certain areas of the service. Therefore we have the right (but not the obligation) to remove, move, change from or otherwise restrict any uploaded content at any time without notice to Users.


TempoImmo is based in the state of Berlin, in the Federation of Germany and is governed by its laws. The courts of Germany have exclusive jurisdiction and are the exclusive venue for any legal action relating to disputes involving these terms and conditions.


Users agrees to indemnify and hold TempoImmo and its employees void of liability from any claim or demand, including reasonable lawyer’s fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of content posted or transmitted through the website.


You hereby grant TempoImmo the worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, translate, display, create derivative works from, and publish any content you publish on any section of the website. You acknowledge that we in our sole discretion may choose not to display any content you upload in publicly accessible areas. All information in the Users Profile other than email address and password is publicly visible unless otherwise noted. If you do not want such information publicly visible, then do not post such information to your Users Profile. Your usersname, however, is always publicly visible.

Intellectual property rights

This website service uses and contains proprietary and confidential information that is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. Users acknowledge and agree that the content contained on the site and in sponsor advertisements is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorized in these terms of service, Users agree not to modify, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on the service in whole or in part for any purpose whatsoever. Users also agree not to access the service by any means other than through the interface that is provided by TempoImmo for the use in accessing the service.


TempoImmo may terminate your account or deactivate it or remove any content you may have uploaded at any time and for any reason without notice.

Further, you agree that TempoImmo shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to the service or any loss or deletion of your uploaded content.

Final Provisions

The possible invalidity of any one of these terms and conditions shall not invalidate the remaining terms and conditions.

Advertiser Terms and Conditions

Scope and definitions

This agreement sets out the conditions of use between the Advertiser and the website www.deskmag.com (hereby referred to as Deskmag). The Advertiser’s acceptance of these terms is indicated by your use of Deskmag. If you do not accept these terms, do not use this website. Deskmag is provided by Tempoimmo GbR, a private company registered in the state of Berlin, Germany.

All terms and conditions set out in the User Terms and Conditions Agreement apply equally to Advertisers. In addition to these conditions, Advertisers are bound by the following Terms and Conditions.


Deskmag may be used by any advertiser who enters into an agreement with the website. No third party may supply information on this site, without the permission of Deskmag. The advertiser grants to Deskmag unlimited use and copyright for any material uploaded to the site, including photographs, words, videos and any other data.

Advertiser’s Responsibilities

All advertisements the advertiser provides shall be accurate, will not infringe any copyright, trade mark or the commercial rights of any other individual or company. Information provided must not be defamatory, libelous, obscene, or in breach of any national or international law. You agree to indemnify us against all claims or proceedings, damages, liabilities and legal costs arising out of your breach of this or any other term.


The advertiser is forbidden to publish any photographs or copyrighted materials without the consent of the authors of those materials. The use of data on this website for the purpose of mass email dispatch (or spamming) is prohibited. The use of this site for any purpose but the stated purpose is prohibited.


Use of Deskmag is at your own risk. Deskmag is an open and free service. We shall not be responsible for any actions resulting from the use of this service. We shall not be in breach of our responsibilities to the user for any delay or interruption of service if it is out of our reasonable control. We disclaim any responsibility for any loss or damage, reputation or goodwill, or any economic losses endured as a result of the use of Deskmag.


Deskmag may terminate, in part or in whole, without notice or justification, any information provided by an advertiser who is found to be in breach of these Terms and Conditions.


Deskmag reserves the right to update or amend this agreement by updating this website at any time without notice.

Final Provisions

The possible invalidity of any one of these terms and conditions shall not invalidate the remaining terms and conditions.


Any complaints about Deskmag may be directed to: E-mail: .

Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Notice

Deskmag is committed to the protection of online data privacy. This privacy policy describes how Deskmag collects, processes, and utilises the information provided by users of our website, and how it complies with the terms of the Telemedia Act (TMG) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

Contractual relationships with partners and third parties

Various parts of our website (such as secure credit card payments) involve cooperation with external service providers. In some cases, our website allows users to access the pages and services of partner companies. By using the services offered by external service providers, users are entering into a contractual relationship with the respective service provider, under which the corresponding contract terms and conditions of that service provider apply. The liability and legal responsibility for the content and services offered on the pages of partner companies rests solely with the respective partner company whose content is accessed via our website, and not with Deskmag.

Personal information / uses

Deskmag is committed to protecting the personal information of its users. The user retains the right to decided whether to supply Deskmag with information, and the provision of any information is on a voluntary basis. Certain business procedures, such as the issuing of invoices, requires that persona information is passed on to third parties, such as the postal service. Deskmag will not sell users’ personal information to third parties. The Telemedia Act (TMG) supplemented by the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and other applicable legal regulations applies to all personal information provided to Deskmag. Initially, Deskmag will only store and process users’ personal information to the extent required to fulfil its existing contractual and legal obligations to uses. To the extent that Deskmag will use personal information for other purposes, for example in order to inform users about current promotions, Deskmag will obtain users’ express consent in advance. Users may revoke their consent at any time without following a particular form. For example, users may submit their revocation to the following address:

TempoImmo GbR
Tel: +49 30 679 29 416
If users revoke their consent, Deskmag will cease using their personal information for the specified additional purpose in a timely manner.

Exchange of data

In addition to the uses described above, Deskmag may disseminate users’ information to third parties involved in processing their use of the site. Information is only passed on if it is required to enable users’ full and self-directed use of the website. Deskmag will also provide personal information to third parties if it is required to do so by law. Deskmag will not disclose personal information about the users of our website unless given express permission to do so. Deskmag will not sell usernames or e-mail addresses to other companies who send unsolicited advertisements or mail. Third-party advertisements and links to other websites displayed on the website may collect user information if they are clicked or their instructions are followed. Deskmag has no control over data voluntarily or involuntarily collected via advertisements or the websites of third parties. Deskmag recommend consulting the privacy policies of advertised websites if users have any concerns regarding the collection and use of their information.

Data automatically collected on our website / usage data

Deskmag will record users’ IP address and other general usage data in order to evaluate the proper functioning of its site and to provide helpful and directed information to users. The data colleted is summarised and used solely for internal purposes. It is not possible to trace this data back to individuals, and personal data is not collected in this process. Deskmag will use the summarised data to evaluate its products, services, and news items to measure website usage, and to improve content.


Like many other commercial websites, Deskmag uses the technology known as “cookies” in order to collect information on the way users use our website, and to improve our service.

The cookies do not disclose or contain any personal information. If users do not want their browser to accept cookies, they can change the applicable setting in their browser.

Disabling cookies may prevent the website from working properly. Users may not be able to use all the options or access all of the information offered on this website.

E-mail communication

Deskmag uses e-mail to provide services or information about products and services. In such cases, Deskmag retains users’ e-mail address in our documentation.

ssfCoworking Trends Survey
